The School Improvement Plan ( SIP ) serves as the School Stakeholder's guiding Bible in terms of disposing and employing the school's multi - faceted functions. It is a direction setting documents aimed to responding to call for immediate term and long - term improvement. It focuses on what can be and should be employed to address problems in salient areas in school system such as: Provision of Access, Quality and Relevance, School Management of Educational Services and Performance Indicators.
The purpose of the School Improvement Plan is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the school, so that greater numbers of students achieve the proficiency in the core academic subjects of reading and mathematics. The school improvement plan provides a framework fro analyzing problems, identifying, underlying causes, and addressing instructional issues in a school that has not made sufficient progress in student achievement.
Together, the components of the school improvement plan should embody a design that is comprehensive, highly structured, specific and focused primarily on the school's instructional program. Specifically, the plan must:
• Incorporate strategies based on the scientifically based research that will strengthen the core subjects in the school and address the specific academic issues that caused the school to be identified for school improvement;
• Adopt policies and practices concerning the school's core academic subjects that have the greatest likelihood of ensuring that all groups of students and enrolled in the school will meet the Department of Education's proficiency level of Achievement;
• Directly addresses the academic achievement problem that caused the school to indentified for school improvement;
• Directly addresses the academic achievement problem that caused the school to indentified for school improvement;
• Establish specific, annual, measurable objectives for continuous and substantial progress of students enrolled in the school;
• Specify the implementation responsibilities of the school;
• Includes strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school;
• Incorporate, as appropriate, activities before school, after school, during the summer, and during the extension of the school year;
• Incorporate strategies to promote high quality professional development; and
• Incorporate a teacher mentoring program.
Apparently, the School Improvement Plan ( SIP ) of Sum-ag Elementary School was realized anent to the aforementioned concept through the collaborative effort of different of different stakeholders - the principal, teachers, Pupil Government Officers, PTA Officers, Local Government Units and Non-Government Organization. This has a project life of three years covering calendar year 2011 - 2014integral to the three year plan that stipulates the extent of SIP implementation based on the school's an power capacities and resources.